Endemic Architecture

This proposal for Treasure Island, situated between Oakland and San Francisco, speculates on the Treasure Island Development Authority plan with minor exceptions. The waterfront site is broken up as a loose but large mosaic defined by paths that expand the waterfront walk inland with small parks, buildings, and public spaces patched within.

Graphic confetti, contained within a colonnade of arches at the perimeter of the buildings, serves as an organizational diagram for public programming on the ground floors while on the floors above varying unit types & sizes aggregate into 152 units between the two buildings.

The mass/bulk of each of the two buildings is broken up by a perimeter colonnade at the ground and by golden slivers cut into the brick facades at their tops, giving a shimmering effect from across the Bay and lending to the appearance of being a collection of buildings rather than singular masses.

Status: Unbuilt

Copyright, Endemic Architecture 2025