Endemic Architecture

 Long Side of a Victorian House That Was Revealed When The Neighboring Property Was Demolished Long Side of a Victorian House That Was Revealed When The Neighboring Property Was DemolishedThis house is for sale for 2.3 million dollars. Seen here is the back corner of the house, revealing not only some material savings (no shingles) but also a fair amount of mechanical obligations to the interior

As Built Drawings: Revised set of drawings submitted by a contractor upon completion of a project or a particular job that reflect all changes made in the specifications and working drawings during the construction process including exact dimensions, geometry, and location of all elements.

As Built’s is a series of documentary-type drawings of [mostly] Bay Area residences that appropriate the term “as built” from the labor of a contractor in order to re-consider the relationships between individual expression, municipal codes, and cultural aesthetics. The As Built’s reveal a confluence of forces between individual preferences and regulatory demands that provide insights and techniques for methods of working in contemporary architectural research and practice. The As Built’s are re-drawn from photographs with the belief that the abstract space of the architectural drawing fosters attention towards often missed strange realities in ways that the literal recapturing in [my] photographs seem to mute or obscure. These drawings reveal the "unsightly" and irregular commitments of a house and its exterior 'stuff' while also implicitly revealing the front-facade dominance of the local planning and preservation codes as the sides and backs of these houses entertain much more idiosyncratic compositions and non-compliant additions. More As Built drawings can be seen in Unresolved Legibility in Residential Types.

Exhibited at the San Francisco AIA

Copyright, Endemic Architecture 2025